Dear Soul Tribe
Harvest Time
Darling, I hope you rested your tail off this summer because the Harvest is coming in and you’re going to need your energy.
Make sure you have the resources to bring it all in for profit. This might mean hiring some help around home or business to maximize your time.
Stay focused on what you want. Refer back to your Dream Board and your lists before things start to really roll in. You’ve already decided what your priorities are. Stick to those, but…
Make sure you’re open to even better opportunities and profits then you could dream up last January.
Here it comes!
pssst: It’s wise to say No to things that aren’t your priority to avoid Overwhelm.
pssstt: If you ask for a red car, insist on a red car. Things might come in “off,” you don’t have to accept what comes in, you can send it back and request alterations.